I Don’t Know if I Can Watch Doctor Who Anymore: Thoughts on the 60th Anniversary Specials

Okay, well, I really didn’t want to write this post at midnight, but I’m so incensed that I don’t know what else to do about it. After, by my count, 879 episodes of Doctor Who, I think I finally hate the show. I stopped being sad. I actively just hate it now, like the way that I hate “Riverdale”. Davies and Tennant are back to save the show, they said. Well, if you like Disney controlling Star Wars and Marvel, good news, because now they control Doctor Who as well. Let’s run through the three specials and why this show is… I actually don’t have a word for it anymore.

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At This Point, I Just Feel Bad for the Showrunners: Thoughts on Star Trek: Lower Decks Season 4 (and the Very Short Treks)

Yes, readers, this show is still going. I really find it hard to care about Star Trek anymore. Ever since Stacey Abrams showed up as the president of Earth on “Discovery“, I haven’t even been truly mad at anything they’ve put out (although that unbelievably atrocious music episode of “Strange New Worlds” came pretty close). I just don’t care anymore. It’s a chore to watch, even the measly half hour that “Lower Decks” demands each week. But I thought about something while watching this season that hadn’t occurred to me before, so we’ll talk about it. Let’s get this over with.

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Schmigadoon Scales Down and Hits Its Stride: Thoughts on Season 2

Well, I have to admit that I stand corrected. I didn’t think that this show was coming back. And I obviously had some reservations after the horrendously-botched ending of season one. But I have separate thoughts on this season, and I think that in some ways it was better. But I don’t want to give away all my thoughts here, so let’s head back into the woods and over the bridge as we explore season two of “Schmigadoon!”

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Star Trek: Picard Boldly Goes Where It Should’ve Gone All Along: Thoughts on Season 3

Shock must be admitted to here. I have seen quite a few unredeemable shows, and this one might have been at the tippity-top of that list. Never have I seen such a phenomenal franchise run into the ground so vehemently except for maybe “Doctor Who“. “Picard” season two was some of the worst television I’ve ever seen, bar none. But somehow, some way, this show was brought back from the brink. It wasn’t as good as any Trek should be these days, but it was so much better than anything we’ve gotten (other than “Prodigy“) that it was hard not to like. So let’s head back out into space with everyone’s favorite captain one more time as we look at the final season of “Star Trek: Picard”.

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One Good Episode, but Overall Still Really Stupid: Thoughts on Star Trek: Lower Decks Season 3

Remember back in the day when a new season only happened if the ratings were really good or if there was an insanely-huge fan outcry paired with a merciful network higher-up? Shows used to be renewed only when people actually wanted to see them. I really have no idea what renewals are dependent on now. Is anybody even watching “Lower Decks”? Wait, I’d better get into it before I run out of things to say in the intro here.

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Doctor Who Degenerates, Literally and Figuratively: Thoughts on Power of the Doctor

Well, Whovians, here we are. After five grueling years of the Thirteenth Doctor, we’ve finally made it to the end. Obviously this episode was going to try and bring in some strong classic Who vibes with the onboarding of Tegan and Ace to help out, but just how far they went was more than a little surprising to me. But just how was this episode? Did the classic cameos make it better? Let’s dive in and look at the second-longest Doctor Who episode (next to the 1996 movie) and wave goodbye to this most terrible of Doctors. Spoilers ahead, if there’s anybody left who cares.

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Riverdale Literally Decanonizes Itself: Thoughts on Season 6 Part 2

Admit it, you come here for these “Riverdale” rants as much as anything else, don’t you? Well, I’m watching this crap so you don’t have to. I came to realize, however, why this steaming pile of garbage is still on the air. It’s because the CW literally has nothing else to put on the air. It needs to fill airtime. And considering it was just “sold” for $0 just so somebody could take care of its $100 million debt, I’m guessing that it’s pretty desperate for content. So how did this undeserved sixth season of “Riverdale” turn out? Well, I’ve already spoiled the ending, but let’s talk about everything before that.

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The Orville Becomes One of the Greatest Science Fiction Shows of All Time: Thoughts on Season 3 (New Horizons)

It’s been a long time since I talked about “The Orville“, and my original post didn’t do the show justice. What started as a “Family Guy”-inspired parody of Star Trek quickly became a narrative force in the storytelling sphere, and it grew into its own world that could be taken seriously as the true Star Trek replacement that it is. And now, it’s even moved beyond that. Unfortunately, the long wait due to Covid seems to have killed alot of excitement and anticipation, since I’m not seeing that many people talk about it. But I’m going to talk about it, and I’ll always be talking about it! So let’s hop back on board again and take a look at season three. Spoilers ahead.

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The Payoffs Arrive: Thoughts on Stranger Things Season 4

When “Stranger Things” started, it was quite the phenomenon, and it was so unique and wild, and the storytelling so fresh and well-spun, that it shone like a beacon in the quickly-declining world of mass entertainment via streamers. Then seasons two and three happened, and I personally thought that while still highly entertaining and far better than many other contemporary shows, they didn’t have quite the same shine as season one. They were good, but nothing could beat its beginnings. So how was season four? Did it manage to match the spirit that the show once had? Did the huge episode runtimes make it worth watching? Let’s talk about it.

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